Sunday, April 20, 2014

UCAS Hybrid Anchor 优卡斯混合型锚栓

UCAS Hybrid Anchor 优卡斯混合型锚栓

Products Features 产品特点

  • Perfectly combines the advantages of undercut anchor with adhesive anchor. 
  • 完美结合了扩孔型锚栓与粘接型锚栓的优点.。 
  •  Undercut anchor system realizes ideal anchor works that prevent anchor bolts from sliding or slipping off. 
  • 后切底锚栓系统实现理想的锚栓安装,防止锚栓的滑移和脱出。 
  • In order to deliver full performance of an anchor, use our Primary bit for making primary holes close to a perfect roundness. 
  • 为了获得锚栓的最佳性能,使用优卡斯底孔钻头钻取接近真圆的孔。

The special UCAS advanced undercut technology allows for a positive fit connection and ensures maximum safety, even in large cracks.

  • Unique and special under cutter to fast and reliable undercutting.
  • 独一无二的扩孔钻头快速进行可靠的扩孔作业 

  • Accurate and simple confirmation device to check drilling depth and under cutting quality.
  • 简单精确的检测仪确认钻孔深度和扩孔品质 

  • Close spacing and small edge distance because of non-expansion forces.
  • 消除膨胀应力实现真正的小间距小边距安装 

  • The resulting keying effect helps keep the anchor secure even in cracked concrete under dynamic loading.  动载开裂混凝土条件下机械锁键使锚栓发挥最好的安全性 

  • Combines the flexibility and immediate loading of a post-installed mechanical anchor with the performance of a cast-in-place headed stud. 灵活安装快速安装其性能与预埋型锚栓相同。

Applications 应用领域 

  • Safety-relevant, heavy-duty fastenings for all dynamic loading (shock, seismic and fatigue) in cracked or uncracked concrete, including applications in nuclear power plants.
  •  Fastenings to support heavy pipes, safety barriers, industrial machines, crane rails, dorm structures, crash barriers, roof fixings, elevator tracks, bridge retrofitting, tunnel, metro and high-speed railway OHCL. 
  • 紧固件支持重管、安全护栏、工业机械、起重轨、宿舍结构、防撞护栏、屋顶固定、电梯轨道,桥梁改造、隧道、地铁及高速铁路的接触网。

Technical Data 技术数据

  • Base Materials Concrete (uncracked and cracked) , Natural Stone with Dense Structure 
  • 材 质 混凝土(开裂和非开裂)、天然硬质石材

  • Material Composition Bolt: steel, strength 8.8 grade, sherardizing (min. 50 μm), Expander and Sleeve: Seamless steel pipe, sherardizing (min. 50 μm),
  • 零件组成 螺杆:钢材8.8级、粉尘渗锌不小于50微米 扩张机构与套管:钢材、粉尘渗锌不小于50微米

  • IBC Compliance IBC 2003, IBC 2006, IBC 2009, IBC 2012
  • IBC 承诺 IBC 2003, IBC 2006, IBC 2009, IBC 2012

  • Type of Fixing Through-Fastening
  • 固定形式 贯穿式

  • Environmental Conditions Indoor, dry conditions
  • 环境条件 室内、室外

  • Head Configuration Externally threaded
  • 螺纹形式 外螺纹

  • Installation Direction All
  • 安装方向 任意方向

  • Additional Product Information Installation requires a specific pilot bit, under cutter, setting tool, and hammer per approval.  
  • 其他信息 安装需要特殊的底孔钻头、扩孔钻头、安装工具和手锤


Ø 英法海底隧道(注防锈油拆卸式)
Ø SPRING-8第三代世界最大同步等离子加速设施
Ø 京都大学原子炉实验所
Ø 鹿岛建设株式会社(核电站及其他工程)
Ø USP Structural Connectors(核电站及其他工程)
Ø 东海旅客铁道株式会社(桥梁抗震加固工程)
Ø 西日本旅客铁道株式会社(隧道改扩建加固工程)
Ø 首都机场第二通道及姚家园道路工程
Ø 南京梅山热电厂
Ø 大连理工大学网络中心(网络信号电缆固定)
Ø 昌九高速铁路接触网(南昌-九江)
Ø 京沪高铁南京南站电梯及钢结构安装
Ø 南京曜阳国际老年公寓幕墙及钢结构安装
Ø 上海购物中心幕墙及钢结构安装
Ø 哈尔滨853农场桥梁道路改扩建
Ø 哈尔滨松浦大桥雨水集中处理系统
Ø 南京纬三路隧道通风系统
Ø Illinois Tool Works Inc.
Ø RamsetTM Australia

Ø 沈阳地铁一号线
Ø 重庆地铁一号线
Ø 重庆地铁三号线
Ø 苏州地铁一号线
Ø 重庆地铁六号线
Ø 北京地铁亦庄线
Ø 昆明地铁一号线
Ø 天津地铁三号线
Ø 北京地铁六号线
Ø 北京地铁七号线
Ø 北京地铁九号线
Ø 北京地铁十号线
Ø 北京地铁昌八线联络线
Ø 宁波地铁一号线
Ø 青岛地铁一号线
Ø 宁波地铁二号线 



Monday, October 7, 2013

UCMP M10 X 110 / 20 HD

UCMP M10 X 110 / 20 HD
UCMP M10 X 110 / 20 HD

Product Description

The UCAS Undercut Anchor is a heavy duty mechanical undercut anchor designed to develop a ductile steel failure. The UCAS Undercut Anchor System includes either the UCMP and UCFP pre-setting or UCMT and UCFT through-fastening type anchors, pilot bits, under cutter, setting tool, and under cutting quality detection device for all of model. The UCAS Undercut Anchor is available om a sherardized and type 316 stainless steel versions for outdoor environments offered in two lengths to accommodate various material thicknesses to be fastened.

Product Features

  • Undercut segments provide cast-in-place same performance withe none expansion stresses.
  • Under cutter provide an easy and reliable anchor installation.
  • Excellent performance in cracked and none cracked concrete.
  • Undercut keying load transfer allows for reduced edge distances and anchor spacing.
  • Through-fastening type provides increased shear capacity.
  • Unmovable and Fully removable.
  • Type 316 stainless steel for corrosive environments.
  • Sherardized zinc coating has equivalent corrosion resistance to hot dipped galvanizing.

Guide Specification

Undercut anchors shall be of an undercut style with under cutter on the embedded end that perform the undercutting process. Undercut portion of anchor shall have a minimum projected bearing area equal to or greater than 6.0 times the nominal bolt area. The bolt shall confirm to ISO 898 class 8.8 strength requirements. Anchors dimensioned and supplied by UCAS.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

扩孔型锚栓(The Undercut Anchors)

1.         什么是扩孔型锚栓
通过锚孔底部扩孔与锚栓膨胀件之间的锁键形成锚固作用的锚栓。(JGJ145-2004 2.1.4 、ETAG 001 Part 3, Page 2)
图1   机械锁键示意
2.         扩孔型锚栓的类型
2.1.        扩孔型锚栓的类型(按扩孔方式)
扩孔型锚栓根据其扩孔方式分为预扩孔锚栓和自扩孔锚栓。(JGJ145-2004 2.1.4、GB50367-2006 13.1.3)
2.1.1.       预扩孔锚栓
预扩孔锚栓在市场上又称作后切底锚栓,后扩孔锚栓,预扩孔锚栓、预扩底锚栓。       预扩孔锚栓的安装
图2   预扩孔锚栓的直孔

图3   预扩孔锚栓的扩孔       预扩孔锚栓的特点
    • 非常安全可靠;
    • 膨胀应力为零。
2.1.2.       自扩孔锚栓
自扩孔锚栓在市场上又称作自切底锚栓、自扩底锚栓。       自扩孔锚栓的安装
图4   自扩孔锚栓的底孔       自扩孔锚栓的特点
    • 扩孔与安装同步完成;
    • 仍存在较大膨胀应力。
2.2.        扩孔型锚栓的类型(按工作方式)
扩孔型锚栓根据其工作方式又可分为位移控制扩孔型锚栓和扭矩控制扩孔型锚栓。(JGJ145-2004 2.1.4、JG160-2004 3.1.3、GB50367-2006 13.1.3)
2.2.1.       位移控制型锚栓
或称先置式扩孔型锚栓,即通过对锚栓施加拉力来控制锚固作用的方式。       位移控制扩孔型锚栓的特点
图5   先置式扩孔型锚栓
2.2.2.       扭矩控制型锚栓
或称贯穿式扩孔型锚栓,即通过对锚栓施加扭矩来控制锚固作用的方式。       扭矩控制扩孔型锚栓的特点
图6   贯穿式扩孔型锚栓
3.         扩孔型锚栓的承载力值
3.1.        拉伸承载力:(大间距大边距的条件下)
3.1.1.       钢材破坏平均拉伸承载力值
NRu,m=Asfu,test                                                                                              (3.1.1)
3.1.2.       混凝土锥形破坏平均拉伸承载力值
NRu,m=13.5hef1.5fc,test0.5 v=15%                                                          (3.1.2)
3.1.3.       平均拉伸承载力的确定
NRu,m=min(NRu,m1,NRu,m2NRu,mn)                                                            (3.1.3)
3.2.        剪切承载力:(大间距大边距的条件下)
3.2.1.       钢材破坏平均剪切承载力值
VRu,m=0.6Asfu,test                                                                                   (3.1.4)
3.2.2.       剪切承载力的确定
VRu,m=min(VRu,m1,VRu,m2VRu,mn)                                                              (3.1.5)
4.         扩孔型锚栓的应用领域
4.1.        锁键型锚栓
英文名称:Shearkey Anchors
4.2.        混合型锚栓
英文名称:Hybrid Anchors
4.3.        后预埋锚栓
英文名称:Long Life Fastening Anchors(LLFA)
5.         扩孔型锚栓的市场情况

  1. GB50367-2006 混凝土结构加固设计规范及条文说明       (中国)
  2. JGJ145-2004 混凝土结构后锚固技术规程及条文说明                      (中国)
  3. JG160-2004 混凝土用膨胀型、扩孔型建筑锚栓                                (中国)
  4. あと施工アンカー・連続繊維補強設計・施工指針                              (日本)
  5. ETAG001-Part3-Amendment-10-08-01                                                   (欧盟)
  6. ETAG-001-Annex-A 07-11-13                                                                  (欧盟)
  7. ETAG-001-Annex-B 07-11-13                                                                  (欧盟)
  8. ETAG 001-Annex C 10-08-01                                                                   (欧盟)